Mick Hardy
Install straight over the top of the old version. All your settings, templates and music will be maintained. It works on Windows Vista SP2 through Windows 10 and supports Vegas 8.0c through Vegas 13.

Please Note: TandemVids no longer supports Windows XP, which has reached end of life.

Download from the latest version download page .

New features

• The time out is adjustable in the YouTube application. This should fix the "Not Started" error reported by several users.

Bug Fixes

• "Invalid Envelope Point" error when using Vegas 11 or earlier.
• If any deployment velocity envelope was greater than the remaining event length, an error was generated.
• Automated installation of new versions failed waiting for administrator elevation with a hidden user interface.
• Cancelled uploads should be marked as cancelled, rather than "Not Started".
• Error logging routine modified to allow easier identification of the method that threw the error.
• YouTube - Application hangs if browser closed during authorisation - added a time out.
• YouTube - Delete partial upload causes app to hang on close waiting for tasks to finish.
• YouTube - Small chunks on big files trigger Not Started status midway through upload.
• YouTube - Status remains as Uploading if application is killed.
• YouTube - New time out cannot be configured if uploads are in progress.